Making Music for Over Fifty Years
Formed in 1970, the Colorado Chorale is known for excellence in choral technique, creative musical collaborations and a dedication to ensuring that a love and knowledge of music is passed on to future generations.
The Chorale’s auditioned singers represent a variety of backgrounds — teachers, business people, retirees, realtors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. The Chorale presents four major concerts a year– large choral works with orchestra as well as pieces by local composers that we premier and themed concerts. Encore, our small ensemble, brings holiday music to area events.
Our Music for Life program exposes children and youth to choral singing in a way that will influence them for life.
The Chorale is under the direction of Artistic Director Dr. Kevin T. Padworski.
The Colorado Chorale is dedicated to its long-standing policy of non-discrimination.
A Big Thank You

Colorado Chorale thanks SCFD of Denver, Douglas and Arapahoe Counties.