
Join us for a Chorale Cabaret

Chorale Cabaret March 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Studio Loft (DCPA), Denver From arias and art songs to musicals and opera choruses, this concert of chorus, soloists and ensembles will be performed in the cabaret atmosphere of the Studio Loft at the Ellie Caulkins Operahouse. Join us for an evening of music, hors d’oeuvres and [...]

Holiday Cheer with the Denver Philharmonic Orchestra

7:30pm (Friday Dec. 16) & 3:00pm (Saturday, Dec. 17) Central Presbyterian Church, Denver The Colorado Chorale is proud to return to the stage with the Denver Philharmonic Orchestra for two performances this December. With a multitude of repertoire celebrating the many diverse holiday traditions of the city of Denver, the Chorale looks forward to singing [...]

Your tax dollars make Denver’s art scene vibrant

SCFD has released a new analysis of the economic impact of your tax dollars on Colorado's arts community.  From SCFD: In 2020, your tax dollars provided $64 million in stabilizing funding to ensure that our arts and cultural organizations endure. That’s why we can proudly say that not a single organization funded by the SCFD [...]

Chorale Announces Blake Nawa’a as Assistant Director

The Colorado Chorale has selected Blake Nawa’a as the new Assistant Director as the ensemble celebrates its 52nd season. Nawa’a will begin his tenure November 2021 in anticipation of the Chorale’s return to live performances for the holiday season. A musician accustomed to wearing many hats, Blake works around the wider Denver metro area as [...]

Our Covid-Safe Policies

How We're Trying to Keep Us All Safe from Covid Colorado Chorale musicians have all shown proof of vaccination.  We have been rehearsing with masks and will perform with them. To keep us all safe, we require that all audience members be masked and must present proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test each time they [...]

Fauré’s Requiem

The Colorado Chorale's online performance of the Fauré Requiem can be accessed here.   About the Fauré Requiem Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) was a French impressionist composer, organist, pianist, and teacher.  Among his students were Maurice Ravel and Nadia Boulanger.  Fauré himself was a student of composer Camille Saint-Saëns . Other familiar works by Fauré are Pavane, Apres [...]

By |September 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Music as Therapy

As musicians and music lovers, we've been turning to music for solace and stimulation during COVID.  We asked some of our singers to share with us what they've been listening to, and their responses are below. A few weeks ago, I started a new Sunday morning tradition of listening (quite loudly) to classical music for [...]

Composers in Quarantine

By Dr. Kevin T. Padworski COVID-19 is not the first widespread disease to plague humanity. The world - for the most part - continues to respond as we have done in the past: with humanity, compassion, and creativity. It's human nature to seek joy in beauty, books and music during a time of plague, as [...]

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