The Colorado Chorale is dedicated to strengthening the Denver-metro area community through music, service, and individual actions.
Beer Choir
Colorado Chorale is thrilled to regularly participate in the Colorado chapter of the nationwide Beer Choir movement, bringing the joy of singing together to breweries across the Denver-Metro area.
Learn More About Beer Choir
Music for Life
We are dedicated to helping young people realize a lifetime of singing through opportunities to sing with our Chorale.
In our 2019-2020 season, The Chorale invited highschool choirs from around the metro area to join in a clinic and concert with nationally-recognized composer and arranger Rollo Dilworth. Our 3three hour clinic with Dr. Dilworth included learning about spirituals and gospel singing, and their relationship to the African American experience. This clinic and concert was made possible by grants from SCFD funding from Douglas County, Arapahoe, and Denver.
Horizon High School auditiorium was rocking when our 200-voice combined choir wrapped up our choral fest with the gospel song Praise His Holy Name.
The Colorado Chorale was joined by excellent choirs from Horizon High, Legacy and Mountain Range High Schools. Each choir sang its own repertoire, then came together for two pieces with the big choir, including Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre.
The Colorado Chorale is grateful to Adams County SCFD for making this evening possible, with the cooperation of Adams County 12 Schools, as well as choral directors Jay Goodmanson, Karen Stacks, and Heather Shenck.
In 2018 and 2017 our concerts featured the Colorado Children’s Chorale and the Evergreen’s Children’s Chorale, respectively. In 2016, the 303 Choir joined us for our Spring Concert.
In February, 2013, we performed the Mozart Requiem with choirs from eight high schools in Boettcher Hall. We had 500 high school singers and 1028 people in the audience for this concert. In 2011, we performed Carmina Burana with the Aurora Symphony and several high school choirs.
You or your business could be the sponsor of our Music for Life program. Let us know if you’d like to learn more.
Community Outreach
We strive to partner with community groups to provide donations, food or volunteer service. Past partnerships include Arts from Ashes, Family Promise, Samaritan House, foodbanks and drug treatment programs. Chorale members in community are individually involved in feeding the homeless, tutoring kids and adults, disaster response and other activities.
Our Collaborations have included:
- Mexican Cultural Center
- The Actors’ Fund
- Denver Philharmonic
- Colorado Children’s Chorale
- Alpine Chorale
- Arapahoe Philharmonic
- Columbine Chorale
- Denver Brass
- Evergreen Children’s Chorale
- Littleton Symphony Orchestra
- Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra (now Stratus Chamber Orchestra)
- St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
- Spirit of Grace
- 303 Choir
- Young Voices of Colorado
Colorado Chorale Hall of Fame
Every so often, someone comes along who not only possesses wonderful musical talent, but offers to the Colorado Chorale their time and expertise in many other important areas. The Colorado Chorale is a stronger, more viable organization, and has attained higher artistic standards due to the participation and contributions of these members:

Steve Meininger, 2015
As the Assistant Artistic Director since 1972, and as Interim Artistic Director 2014-15, Steve exemplifies the best of choral singing with his musicianship, sight-reading, and sense of humor!

Deb Stauffer, 2008
With amazing attention to detail, Deb was the primary researcher, writer and producer of the spoken word element of the two Letters Home concerts, as well as an in-depth writer of concert program notes. She was frequently on the Board of Directors as President, Secretary and Membership Chair.

Sharon Tebow, Charter Member, 2006
An outstanding member of the Chorale for more than 30 years, Sharon’s contributions included Board Treasurer, Music Librarian, concert dressmaker, and frequent soloist.