As musicians and music lovers, we’ve been turning to music for solace and stimulation during COVID.  We asked some of our singers to share with us what they’ve been listening to, and their responses are below.

A few weeks ago, I started a new Sunday morning tradition of listening (quite loudly) to classical music for at least an hour while I make breakfast and sip coffee: Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Beethoven, Wagner, Schumann, Mahler and Rachmaninov –all are bringing me life during this time.

–Deb Shumake, Alto I

Ironically, as a middle school music teacher, I don’t do much casual listening at home but when I do, it’s usually a mix of all types of music. I love it all!

–Kendall Bridges,  Tenor



I like to listen to oldies from the early 60s.  I put on my headphones and listen by computer or stream via television.  Want a laugh?  Check out one of my favorites, Don’t Worry Baby by the Beach Boys.

–Steve Brown, Bass


A current listening favorite has been an instrumental album by Bruce Cockburn called ‘Crowing Ignites’. Along the same lines of great guitar music is Michael Hedges ‘Aerial Boundaries’, and instrumental efforts by Calum Graham.  Lastly (for now) was a post election run of Gabriel Kahane’s excellent ‘Book of Travelers’, written on a train trip in the wake of the 2016 election.

–Kevin Eronimous, Baritone


I’ve dusted off some old LPs of familiar musicals, like Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, and Brigadoon.  I sing along and sometimes –if I’m alone — I even dance.

If you’re looking for ideas, I recommend streaming PBS’s Great Performances for free.

–Kathy Kilmer, Alto I